Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Found on the Internet: Slap Chop Rap

I remember watching a TV program with mom when the Slap Chop commercial came on. My face lit up. It's Vince! With Slap Chop! Am I going to love his nuts? (That will make non-gay sense in a minute, promise.) Mom immediately left the room. "It's on every ten minutes!" I don't know about that, but after seeing this legend remix of the song, happening upon the source material live was like having Santa Claus just walk across your room when you so desperately want to believe.
This video was not so much "found" as "introduced"; thanks to Tristan for the tip. It got stuck in my head, too.
This had to be shared, if you haven't seen it already. It's one of the best commercial parodies/fitting song remixes I've ever seen. Slim pickings, admittedly, but this is high-quality; I've had this stuck in my head quite a bit.

Thought on the video:
-Stop having boring tuna. I would emphasize the tuna portion of that statement, but I suppose Vince would emphasize the latter.
-Auto-tune ain't all bad.
-I don't mind salad-making, really.
-This is an expert use of musical pauses and interesting effects. Use of the slapping noises in the videos to work with the the 80's-style rap beat was brilliant; emphasizing the lyrics by speeding up the video at parts and letting him go on "solos" (?) was a nice touch.
-The random black people at the middle are random, but I approve.
-Saying "you're gonna love my nuts" in any public scenario is always doomed to mockery and weird looks. (See the paragraph above.) Consequently, it is perfect for the internet. (see paragraph...actually, don't).
-The old lady at the end is awesome, period.

By the way, I don't encourage you to buy the Slap Chop. It looks like the kind of crap they sell on late-night infomercials, offering things like a bonus cheese grater to grab your attention.

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