Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moment: Professor Walks

There I was, sitting in English class. The class was almost over; six minutes to go. We're discussing the book Naked lunch but Burroughs, after discussing Beat poetry in general. The professor's up at the front, taking our observations on the book down upon the slide. The next slide he brings up is titled "Themes".

"Alright, what are some themes of the novel?" He asks. Someone puts up their hand.

"Non-linear storytelling?"

"Non-linearity, good, good," he says as he types the words down on the slide. After this, he goes away from the desk towards the door, presumably to close it...and just keeps walking, out the door and out of sight.

Ten seconds pass.

Twenty seconds pass. People begin to giggle and whisper.

Thirty seconds pass. I say a joke for all to hear: "Is he giving us an example of a non-linear classroom experience?" They laugh.

A minute passes. The man was gone! People begin to talk. What do we do? "I don't understand," quips a confused gentleman behind me. "But I want to. So badly."

About a minute and a half later, the subtle sounds and sights of people packing up to leave are seen, and like a hive mind, most of the class begins to pick up its things and head for the door. I gave him thirty more seconds, then began to do the same.

As I stand to leave, the professor says "Have a good weekend", implying it's time to go. Compelled by what had occurred, I went up and asked what had happened. It turns out that he was suffering from some colon cancer treatments he'd had earlier that year, and, quite simply, "had to go". Makes sense, I figuire. I hope he'll be healthy and able to keep it together in the future.

5-10-15-20 will conclude next week.

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