Saturday, March 13, 2010

Personal stuff

Hello, all. I'm just signaling a bit of a new direction for my blog.

Occasionally, I'll think of things that are completely separate from personal experience that I'd like to talk about. Ideas. Comments on pop culture. Philosophy. This has been the focus of my blog. But this has been rather challenging to keep up, as most of the stuff I think about is tied to my life--what can I say, I'm a self-centred guy.

From now on, expect more posts to be on my life and times. Consider this an alternative to posting notes on Facebook or sending massive e-mails. Just come and check my content when I post something new, and you'll see what I'm up to. I won't share everything--I'm sorry, internet, but some of your members are creepy--but I'll give you the gist, and maybe I'll talk more about this stuff in person.

I'll have to send out an e-mail to my core constituents--erm, family--again. That way, they'll know that I've written since that one week 2 years ago when I e-mailed them about it.


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